Here at the Renmark Irrigation Trust (RIT, the Trust), we are driven to do our best to provide an outstanding service to the local irrigation community. Currently, our infrastructure serves over 600 irrigation Members and covers more than 4900 hectares throughout the Renmark District. Read about our story below and embark on an interactive map journey here.
Over 130 years of service to the community
Renmark was established by the Chaffey Brothers in 1887 as an irrigation settlement.
The Trust was constituted by a Statute of the South Australian Parliament which was assented to on 23 December 1893, becoming the area’s first local government authority. Read more about our history here.

Water for Growers
Helping Grow World Class Produce
By delivering water efficiently and at a low cost, we help growers feed the world by producing premium quality produce. Our irrigators can get water on demand almost 24/7, giving them greater control over managing weather extremes. Growers also have the flexibility to control their irrigation online via our accurate metering system. Read more about our network and services here.
Our Mission
Our mission is to ensure the long term viability of the Renmark Irrigation Trust through the development and implementation of innovative practices which continuously improve the effective and efficient management of the Trust’s assets and water distribution.
Our Values
Our core values reflect the ethical framework which underpin the Trust’s activities. These values are leadership, integrity and accountability.
Our Vision
In 2010 we set ourselves an audacious goal:
“By 2020, the Renmark Irrigation Trust will be recognised as Australia’s leading water resource manager underpinning the economic and social sustainability of the Renmark community.”
We’re proud to say that we are the world’s first irrigation area to receive global ‘Gold Certification’ against the Alliance for Water Stewardship International Water Stewardship Standard. We were the second organisation in the world to be recognised at this level. Most recently, in January 2020, the Trust took this even further and became the first irrigation scheme in the world to be awarded ‘Platinum Certification’, the highest level of certification under the Alliance for Water Stewardship Model. Read more about Water Stewardship here.

Environmental benefits
Working together to protect and restore floodplains
In 2016, the Trust joined with the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder to protect and restore floodplains in the Renmark irrigation district in a landmark Partnership Agreement. By using the Trust’s infrastructure, our environmental watering has helped to rehabilitate affected areas, and increase the abundance of vegetation and wildlife. This ongoing partnership is the first of its kind between the CEWH and an irrigation water provider. Read more about environmental watering here.