In 2018, the Warrego Street site contained a spattering of lignum, nitre and river salt bush as well as black box along the western side. The main ground cover plant at this site was samphire, but there was also desert glasswort and round-leaf pigface.
The Warrego Street infrastructure was installed in March 2021 ready for the 2021-22 water year. The Renmark North Primary School engaged with the project and visited the site to observe the monitoring and to see the first flush in a test operation. The first watering in July-September 2021 was completed successfully, followed by watering again in 2022-23 and 2023-24.
Frog diversity is high at Warrego Street with the southern bell frog, eastern banjo frog, long thumbed frog, spotted marsh frog, Peron’s tree frog and Murray Valley froglet recorded. Bird diversity is also high, with 15 waterbird species and 18 bush land bird species observed at the site.