Report a Fault: (08) 8586 6050| Annual General Meeting 1 December 2025

River Murray Flood Recovery – restoring power

The next SA Power Networks pop up hub will be on 31 January 10am -3pm next to the Renmark Club

SA Power Networks has a dedicated website for customers who have lost power during the River Murray Floods.

The main points are:

If the property has been damaged/inundated the owner will need to contact an electrician to obtain a certificate of compliance and contact their retailer to raise a service request so that SA Power Networks can then reconnect electricity supply. Right now, if they haven’t already done so, customers should:

  1. Keep up to date with SASES alerts and warnings
  2. Visit for the latest information, including registering for a clean-up/structural assessment
  3. Register for SA Power Networks’ free SMS/Email notification service
  4. Look at the factsheet (power reconnection process overview) published by SA Power Networks

There will also be a pop up hub on the river front next to the Renmark Club on 31 January where you can ask any questions regarding the reconnection of power.