Following an audit in January, the Renmark Irrigation Trust has been awarded Platinum level certification, the highest certification level under the Alliance for Water Stewardship model. The below text is an extract from an article published in the Murray Pioneer on 29 January 2020.
Renmark Irrigation Trust has become the first irrigation scheme in the world to be awarded a platinum level certification, the highest, for good water stewardship. The platinum level certification by the Alliance for Water Stewardship recognises the expanding rehabilitation program of floodplains adjacent Renmark, in partnership with Renmark Paringa Council and the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder. Other contributing factors are good governance, efficient water delivery of greater than 99%, salinity management and sustainable water management.
The Trust initially received a gold level certification in 2018. The Presiding Member, Humphrey Howie said “This platinum certification provides global recognition for the best practice achievements of our irrigation community and we would encourage all Murray Darling Basin irrigation entities and communities to adopt the Alliance for Water Stewardship framework and certification. The Trust will continue to strive for outcomes that provide economic, environmental and social benefits for the Renmark community within the context of the Murray Darling Basin catchment.”