Report a Fault: (08) 8586 6050| Annual General Meeting 1 December 2025

RIT Flood Information

Latest information regarding RIT and the Flood at Renmark

The peak of the flood has now passed Mildura and is expected in Renmark next week. Today, Monday, 19 December 2022, the Trust’s main pumping station is operating at 2.6m above the normal Lock 5 weir pool level. The forecast rise in the river is within the main pumping station’s operational capacity.

Trust staff will continue to monitor operations closely during the holiday period.

The continuity of power supply is of concern to all communities along the river in South Australia. However, through advocacy and liaison, the main pumping station’s power supply risk has been mitigated by:

  • the reduction in the “safety” margin of power lines over water from 4.7 to 3.7m;
  • the introduction of boating exclusion zones;
  • the state government 250GL secondary levy bank around the Renmark sub-station; and
  • confirmation of SAPN’s ability to isolate and re-route the power supply.

Organic matter in the water remains high – please check and clean your filters regularly. Our Water Service Managers are available throughout the holiday period (8586 6050)

(Photo credit: Riverland Commercial Photography)