Report a Fault: (08) 8586 6050| Annual General Meeting 1 December 2025

Primary Producer Grants

Disaster recovery grants of up to $10,000 are available to eligible South Australian primary producers affected by the spring storms.

Disaster assistance will be available to eligible primary producers in the 24 council areas of Adelaide Hills, Adelaide Plains, Barossa, Barunga West, Berri Barmera, Clare and Gilbert Valleys, Cleve, Coorong, Elliston, Gawler, Karoonda East Murray, Light, Loxton Waikerie, Mid Murray, Mount Barker, Murray Bridge, Playford, Port Pirie, Renmark Paringa, Salisbury, Tea Tree Gully, Tumby Bay, Wakefield and Yorke Peninsula.

Grants are provided to help pay for the associated costs of storm clean-up and reinstatement activities associated with the immediate recovery of primary production enterprises. Eligible claims may cover:

  1. Engagement of contractors, hiring, leasing or purchase of equipment and/or materials to undertake clean-up.
  2. Additional labour, including own labour costs, in relation to specific storm related clean up. Please note that the maximum hourly rate claimable per person for own labour clean-up activities is $30/hour.
  3. Use of own equipment used to undertake clean-up. Claims of own equipment must be reasonable and reflect current market rates.
  4. Removal and disposal costs for debris and damaged goods (including activities associated with the appropriate disposal/mulching of fallen and damaged fruit).
  5. Restoration activities for damaged viticulture and horticulture crops such as pruning, training, fertigation and fungal treatments required as a result of the storm event to maintain the quality of the remaining crop and/or protect plants from damage sustained by hail.
  6. Repairing infrastructure if the repair or replacement is essential for resuming operation of the primary production enterprise, including glass/poly houses. Includes plastic coverings for greenhouses, irrigation infrastructure, vineyard trellising and repairs to horticultural netting (not covered by other assistance). Please note funding is not available for repairs to a building that is used as a dwelling.
  7. Labour costs and other cropping input costs directly associated with replanting crops due to the storm such as fertiliser, fuel, sprays.
  8. Payment for tradespeople to conduct safety inspections, undertake impact assessment or provide agronomic advice relating to management of storm damaged crops.

Please follow the 4 steps below:

Apply for the grant

  1. Complete the 2021 SA statewide storms online survey. You will need to take note of your survey ‘application ID’ number.
  2. Download the guidelines (PDF 213.6 KB) (Word version (DOCX 145.9 KB))
  3. The application terms and conditions agreement must be printed, signed, scanned, and then attached as a PDF or JPG to your online application.
  4. Complete the online application form.

Grant applications close on 28 February 2022.

All information can be accessed via the links below.

If assistance is required in completing the survey or online application form, please call the Recovery Hotline on 1800 931 314