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ACCC Murray-Darling Basin water markets inquiry – interim report

The ACCC’s Murray-Darling Basin water markets inquiry interim report has today been released and can be accessed on the ACCC website here.

A summary extract and the ACCC’s interim findings on areas of potential reform can be downloaded here.

*** Minimum Allocations now 77% ***

DEW Announcement: “Minimum water allocations in 2020-21 for South Australian Class 3 (High Security) and Class 8 entitlement holders are now – as of 15 July 2020 – at 77 percent. This has risen from 54 percent previously announced at the start of July. A range of advice has, and continues to be, provided to water users. This information provides greater support for business planning, as we understand that this is especially important when water allocations are less than 100 percent. The next update for water users will be on Monday 3 August 2020.”

Click here for full DEW announcement.

PIRSA Webinar – 2020-21 Irrigation Season – Diversify your water holdings

Primary Industries and Regions South Australia presents an online workshop designed to assist South Australian irrigators to plan and manage their water holdings for the 2020-21 irrigation season and trade more confidently in the water market. This workshop will offer simple and practical strategies to assist irrigators in planning and achieving better outcomes for their business.

The workshop will specifically focus on the South Australian water market and be delivered by independent water market experts Marsden Jacob Associates. The workshop will assist irrigators to explore water trade options to diversify water portfolios through practical interstate trading options, provide an overview of the benefits, costs and risks of interstate water products and address business risk through planning and securing your water requirements, regardless of the seasonal outlook.

Date: Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Time: 12.30pm – 2.30pm ACST
Location: Online webinar
RSVP: Register to attend the event at…/r…/2615886656322/WN_yQZgM_seTfylToMLasVQTw or contact Tarsha McGregor, Project Officer by phone on 0428 105 396.

*** Minimum Allocation Increase to 54 percent ***

The 2020-21 minimum allocation for South Australian Class 3 (High Security) and Class 8 River Murray water has increased to 54 percent.

The updated projections indicate that even if an exceptionally dry scenario plays out over the next six months, South Australian Class 3 (High Security) and Class 8 allocations are likely to reach 100 percent by November 2020. In other words, allocations are projected to reach 100 percent if inflow conditions in 2020-21 correspond to, or are better than, the worst one percent of years in the recent historical record.

Full DEW announcement here.


We have been receiving a number of inquiries around the Trust’s annual pumping shutdown.

As communicated earlier in the year, due to COVID-19 and given there were significant works completed during last year’s shutdown, we did not conduct our usual annual shutdown in May and may not have an annual shutdown this year.

HOWEVER, a shutdown may occur in late July/August for some potential required works at the main pump station. Please rest assured that we will be giving plenty of advance notice about this.

Hopefully that answers any queries and please do share this information with connections of yours that may be interested/effected.

Horticultural Netting Infrastructure Grants information session

A Horticultural Netting Infrastructure Grants information session will be held at the Renmark Club TOMORROW, Wednesday 1 July from 4:30pm. Tony Pasin MP will also be attending the Club. Please RSVP to Tim Grieger (Summerfruit SA) at 0409 099 122.

Horticultural Netting Infrastructure Grants

Recently, the Horticultural Netting Infrastructure Grants were announced in an effort to help primary producers in the Riverland and Adelaide Hills/Greater Adelaide region fund the purchase and installation of new netting or the replacement of any damaged netting over land used to grow horticulture crops. Please click here for more information from PIRSA.

Opening Allocations Video

This short ‘River Murray Water Resources – Opening Allocations’ video explains the latest weather outlook and the latest water allocation updates and projections as of 15 June 2020.

*** The opening allocation for South Australian River Murray water users will be 40 percent ***

On 15 June 2020, the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) has announced that the opening allocation for the 2020-21 water year will be 40 percent.

The updated projections indicate that even if an extreme dry scenario plays out over the next six months, South Australian Class 3 (High Security) allocations are projected to reach 100 per cent by November 2020. In other words, allocations are projected to reach 100 per cent if inflow conditions in 2020-21 correspond to or are better than the worst five per cent of years in the recent historical record.

The full announcement and South Australia’s Water Allocation statement can be found here.

*** Trust Office open to the public ***

Please help us by observing social distancing measures, including 1.5m spacing and observing the ‘crosses’ on the office floor for guidance, as well as paying by contactless payment (card where possible) and using the hand sanitiser.

Welcome back!