Report a Fault: (08) 8586 6050| Annual General Meeting 1 December 2025

Farming Survey by University of Adelaide

The University of Adelaide is conducting a survey of the members of Renmark Irrigation Trust and would be very grateful if you could spare 10 to 15 minutes to complete an online survey:

This project is examining how farmers are adjusting to the risks posed by economic fluctuations, changing markets, government policies and environmental issues (e.g. pests, diseases, severe weather, bushfires). The University is interested in how risk is being reduced by diversifying into new types of crop/production systems or through diversifying into value-added processing, direct sales, on-farm tourism and generating more income off-farm or by specialising in existing crops.

The University of Adelaide has designed a questionnaire survey which can be completed either online or in hard-copy – the University hopes to interview a small number of farmers to obtain more detailed insights.      

This research is intended to benefit the farming community. Chief benefits to growers will be the researchers’ analysis of risks and farmers’ responses to risk, information about trends in the industry in the local region, and the changing nature of the local rural economy, which may help identify opportunities for future business direction and targeting of future policy support for the industry.   

All respondents will receive a summary of the research results and copies of all publications produced from the research. 


The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder, Jody Swirepik and her office staff were delighted to gain access to the RIT irrigators telemetric readings through WaterNow to monitor the environmental Class 3 water allocation use within the Trust. Just like our other members, Jody needs to ensure her RIT water account is in balance and that the irrigation is going according to plan. The only difference is that the water is applied to support native birds, frogs and plants and to improve the health of the floodplains in our community. 


Due to unforeseen essential repairs water supply will be disrupted for residents on 28th street, parts of 27th street and Bookmark Avenue from 9pm Monday 19th Oct to Tuesday 20th Oct approx. 2pm.

Casual Vacancy on the Trust Board

Are you committed to a sustainable future of the Renmark community with its diverse, high value food production? Do you desire a balanced approach to the Murray Darling Basin that protects our national asset and supports our businesses and community? Do you possess strategic and critical thinking skills?  Are you willing to serve your community? If you have answered “yes”, or you know of another member who would answer “yes”, the Trust is eager to hear from you as part of the process of appointing a Director to the current casual vacancy on the Board. Please forward a short email to Rosalie our General Manager at stating why you would be interested in becoming a Director of the Trust or alternatively, contact the office on 85866911. The Trust is committed to maintaining Board diversity to reflect our diverse community.

Water Stewardship and the Renmark Irrigation Trust

Water Source recently caught up with Rosalie Auricht, General Manager at the Renmark Irrigation Trust on the topic of Water Stewardship.

Water Source have published a fantastic article highlighting the great efforts by the Renmark Irrigation Trust and our community on Water Stewardship in our community.

“At the peak of the Millennium Drought in 2008, a leadership directional change occurred and the Trust adopted a vision to be recognised as a leading water resource manager. The aim was to underpin the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of the Renmark community,”

“In 2020 the Trust achieved Platinum level certification under the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) international standard, a world first for an irrigation scheme. ”

“Ours is a small irrigation community, both in area and water volumes used, yet it continues to produce high value crops that underpin the social and economic sustainability of the Renmark community. ”

Read the full article HERE

Experts In Residence Program

Regional Development Australia Murraylands & Riverland South Australia has released an Experts In Residence program across the Murraylands & Riverland

If you run an agri- or food-business and have plans for growth or innovation, now is the time to tap into this amazing offer. One-on-one virtual appointments are available with world-leading experts in areas such as technology, agritourism, business growth, marketing, supply-chain management, packaging, export and more.

Thanks to the $170,000 partnership between Regional Development Australia Murraylands and Riverland and the Department of Primary Industry and Regions, the Experts In Residence program is set to provide food and agribusiness operators with significant support to advance their business by accessing globally recognised experts and all at no cost!

A newly launched website ( provides access to free virtual (one-hour) appointments with industry experts, making it easy to be engaged and stay informed.


All irrigators and other customers of the Renmark Irrigation District are advised that pumping will cease at the Main Pumping Station at:

6.00am on TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2020

supply will be restored as soon as possible and no later than:

5.00pm on WEDNESDAY 9 SEPTEMBER 2020

This shutdown will enable an essential meter repair at the main pump station.  The nature of these works is such that they cannot be carried out while normal pumping is in progress.

Please note – works will be postponed if weather conditions are unfavorable for irrigators.  Any changes will be advised via our website, email, and SMS.

Domestic water customers should maintain storage capable of holding up to 7 days water supply at all times. 

*** Australian Water Association Webinar ***

Join this webinar – facilitated by the Australian Water Association – to hear more on the key themes from the ACCC Murray-Darling Basin water markets inquiry interim report, with comments from a panel of water experts.

Time: Friday 21st August 2020 – 12noon – 2.00pm

For more information and to register, click here.

*** Minimum allocations now at 100% ***

Minimum water allocations in 2020-21 for South Australian Class 3 (High Security) and Class 8 entitlement holders reached 100 per cent from 17 August 2020. This has risen from 81 per cent previously announced on 3 August 2020.
Full DEW Announcement here.

*** Minimum Allocations now 81% ***

DEW Announcement: “Minimum water allocations in 2020-21 for South Australian Class 3 (High Security) and Class 8 entitlement holders are now – as of 3 August 2020 – at 81 per cent. This has risen from 77 per cent previously announced on 15 July. A range of advice has, and continues to be, provided to water users. This information provides greater support for business planning, as we understand that this is especially important when water allocations are less than 100 percent. The next update for water users will be on Monday 17 August 2020.”

Click here for the full announcement from DEW.