From 9pm Tuesday 21 June to 11.59pm Wednesday 22 June 2022
The Trust will be undertaking essential maintenance on infrastructure in the area outlined on the map below on Wednesday 22 June 2022. Water supply will cease in this area from 9pm Tuesday 21 June and be restored at 11.59pm Wednesday 22 June 2022.
The ThincLab AgTech Innovation Bootcamp is taking place in Renmark on the 15th & 16th of June. If you would like to be part of solving key challenges in the Agriculture sector, and you enjoy working with others and learning new skills, come along and be part of a fantastic day and a half of workshops, brainstorming and collaboration.
Come and hear about our ‘work in progress’ on the role of the Japanese woodcutters from Woolenook internment camp in keeping the lights on and the pumps running in WWII
A shortage of diesel in WWII created a demand for wood as fuel to produce electricity, which the Trust provided to Renmark, the townships of Paringa, Lyrup, Berri, and Loveday Internment Camp. Drawing on interviews from Renmark’s residents, and 80-year-old photographs, this talk by RIT staff uncovers the critical role of Japanese woodcutters in the running of RIT pumps.
Our sessions have now finished. Please contact us if you would like to know more about the relationship between the Trust and the Japanese Internment camp at Woolenook Bend in World War II.
2022-23 SA River Murray Opening Allocations 100%
The projected minimum opening allocation for South Australian River Murray irrigators for the 2022–23 water year is 100%
With the projected minimum opening allocation being greater than 50%, carryover of allocations from 2021–22 will not be available in 2022–23.
As the projected minimum opening allocation is 100% for the 2022–23 water year, no more allocation announcements are scheduled for the 2022–23 water year. In mid-June 2022 the volume of water available for allocation will be gazetted and allocations issued for use from 1 July 2022.
The Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board has released an updated draft Water Allocation Plan for the River Murray Prescribed Watercourse for comment.
The proposed changes will remove ‘rollover’ and forfeiture of carryover volumes and will allow carryover to be used in the year that it is granted.
Consultation on the proposed changes opens this week.
The Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board is keen to hear community views and invites all interested people to to attend the online or in-person information sessions.
The Bureau of Meteorology has a new portal which centralises up-to-date information about storages, allocations and trading information in the Murray-Darling Basin catchment area.
There are also links to information about Water Resource Management, Water for the Environment and roles and responsibilities of state jurisdictions and federal authorities.
The Department for Environment and Water has released artist impressions of the Bookmark Creek rehabilitation program, as part of the $37. 6 million Sustainable Riverland Environments program.
Upgrades to the Jane Eliza Inlet regulator include a multi-purpose passage for aquatic life such as fish and turtles as well as a canoe passage, and a pedestrian bridge.
The work at Nelwart Street Bridge will replace existing infrastructure and the upgrade will dramatically improve connectivity and movement for native fish. The existing regulator currently restricts flow and impedes fish movement so the proposed works seek to improve access to habitat for large-bodied native fish.
Recreational users such as kayakers will be able to paddle from the top structure, travel down Bookmark Creek and loop back to the top via the river.
Please be advised that the Trust Main Office will be closed from 5pm Thursday 23 December 2021 and will re-open 8.30am Tuesday 4 January 2022.
For water orders irrigation issues, please call 8586 6050.
Water orders can be placed by phone between 8.30 and 10.30am only. Please book online or call 8586 5859 to use the 24-hour keypad ordering service if you need to book outside these hours.
Primary Producer Grants
Disaster recovery grants of up to $10,000 are available to eligible South Australian primary producers affected by the spring storms.
Disaster assistance will be available to eligible primary producers in the 24 council areas of Adelaide Hills, Adelaide Plains, Barossa, Barunga West, Berri Barmera, Clare and Gilbert Valleys, Cleve, Coorong, Elliston, Gawler, Karoonda East Murray, Light, Loxton Waikerie, Mid Murray, Mount Barker, Murray Bridge, Playford, Port Pirie, Renmark Paringa, Salisbury, Tea Tree Gully, Tumby Bay, Wakefield and Yorke Peninsula.
Grants are provided to help pay for the associated costs of storm clean-up and reinstatement activities associated with the immediate recovery of primary production enterprises. Eligible claims may cover:
Engagement of contractors, hiring, leasing or purchase of equipment and/or materials to undertake clean-up.
Additional labour, including own labour costs, in relation to specific storm related clean up. Please note that the maximum hourly rate claimable per person for own labour clean-up activities is $30/hour.
Use of own equipment used to undertake clean-up. Claims of own equipment must be reasonable and reflect current market rates.
Removal and disposal costs for debris and damaged goods (including activities associated with the appropriate disposal/mulching of fallen and damaged fruit).
Restoration activities for damaged viticulture and horticulture crops such as pruning, training, fertigation and fungal treatments required as a result of the storm event to maintain the quality of the remaining crop and/or protect plants from damage sustained by hail.
Repairing infrastructure if the repair or replacement is essential for resuming operation of the primary production enterprise, including glass/poly houses. Includes plastic coverings for greenhouses, irrigation infrastructure, vineyard trellising and repairs to horticultural netting (not covered by other assistance). Please note funding is not available for repairs to a building that is used as a dwelling.
Labour costs and other cropping input costs directly associated with replanting crops due to the storm such as fertiliser, fuel, sprays.
Payment for tradespeople to conduct safety inspections, undertake impact assessment or provide agronomic advice relating to management of storm damaged crops.