Report a Fault: (08) 8586 6050| Annual General Meeting 1 December 2025

PIRSA emergency water infrastructure rebate scheme

The Government of South Australia in partnership with the Australian Government is providing a rebate of up to 25 per cent (to a maximum of $25,000 – GST exclusive) to primary producers for the costs associated with the purchase and installation of new on-farm water infrastructure, or to repair or replace damaged infrastructure for livestock and permanent horticulture that assists primary producers to be more resilient for future droughts by protecting high value horticultural assets.

You must have purchased and installed new eligible water infrastructure, or repaired or replaced damaged water infrastructure for existing permanent horticultural plantings on or after 1 July 2019.

Applications close 30 April 2024 or when funding for this round is exhausted, whichever occurs first. Click the link here to find out more.

Easter hours at the Trust Office

The Trust office will be closed for Easter from 5pm 28 March until 8.30am Tuesday 2 April.

For emergencies please ring (08) 8586 6050

Water orders are available between 8.30am and 10.30am. Please ring (08) 8586 6050

Have a safe and happy Easter

Staff farewells

We have farewelled two long serving RIT staff members in November and December this year.

Dion Heuzenroeder, Technical Services Manager, left in November after 14 years with the Trust. Dion was responsible for IT services and supported the IT needs of the Trust staff, Board members and the wider RIT community. Dion was a friendly face when computers did things we didn’t expect them to do!

We wish Dion all the best for the future.

Stella Reinertsen retired in December after 28 years with the Trust. Stella was the front face of the Trust, working in an administration role to support members and Trust staff. Stella emigrated from Europe as a child with her family after World War II and was a blockie’s daughter. She had a special bond with many of our immigrant members, and was always caring and respectful.

We wish Stella all the best for her well deserved retirement.

Farewell Barry Knight

The Board, and Staff of the Renmark Irrigation Trust were saddened by the recent passing of Barry Knight. Barry was a highly valued employee at the Trust for 46 years starting work in June 1972 at 19 years of age.

Annual Elections 2023

Notice is hereby given that nominations will be received at the Trust Office until 4.00 pm on Friday 10 November 2023, to fill vacancies caused by expiry of the term of office of the following:


                                BUTLER, James

                                KOR, Jasvidar

                                LOGOS, Andrea

                                LUDAS, David

Nomination forms in accordance with the Renmark Irrigation Trust Act 2009 are available at the Trust Office.  Should more nominations be received than there are vacancies to be filled, an election by ballot will be conducted at the Annual General Meeting of Members on Monday 4 December 2023.

Research published about the views of RIT irrigators

A University research team interviewed RIT irrigators last year about their views on the water market, water security, viability of their crops and the long term outlook for horticulture production in the Renmark Irrigation District

The research revealed high levels of uncertainty amongst irrigators regarding their future viability, including unintended consequences from the water market, the role of water brokers, and the environmental viability of the river system.

The lead investigator Guy Robinson presented the findings at the International Geographical Union Congress in Paris last year at the Societe de Geographie building (see photo)

A free copy of the research article – Managing water for environmental provision and horticultural production in South Australia’s Riverland can be downloaded here

La Trobe University research project – Have your say!

Have you lived in Renmark or Loxton for the last 15 years?

If so, your views on how environmental and water policy changes have affected you are needed by a research team from La Trobe University.

If you want to be involved please contact Dr Heather Downey, Chief Investigator – email:

More information can be found here

Murray-Darling Basin Plan Review – Renmark meeting

Commissioner Joanne Chong is coming to Renmark on June 29 for a  public forum on the Murray-Darling Basin Plan Review. This forum is a chance for community members to share their thoughts and experiences, learn about the review, and contribute to shaping the future of the Basin Plan.

DATE: 29 June 10.30am -12pm

PLACE: Hotel Renmark

Register now to attend:

Video now available: RIT and Renmark after the 1956 Flood

Renmark Irrigation Trust was the Council responsible for rebuilding the irrigation settlement in Renmark after the 1956 Flood. It was a momentous task. The costs involved in reconstructing roads, relocating flood levees, rebuilding and reconnecting irrigation channels and blocks were overwhelming.

A panel of Renmark residents spoke on 3 May 2023 at Renmark Paringa Library about their memories of RIT’s role in the reconstruction, and how families rebuilt their lives.  

Panel: Max Burr – Clack John – Ian Tolley

More information about the event can be found here

A video of the event can be found here

Water allocations open at 100 percent for 2023-24 water year

The recent flood in the Murray Darling Basin has meant that the River Murray storages are at very high levels. They are at 89 per cent capacity, which is 50 per cent above the long-term average for the end of March.

There has also been a boost to the water which has been available for the environment. Some floodplains have received water for the first time since the 1956 flood.

These factors mean that River Murray irrigators will be able to access 100 percent of their allocation in 2023-24