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Improved minimum opening allocations

The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) has announced that the minimum opening water allocation for South Australian irrigators has risen to 74 percent for 2019-20.

Based on recent rainfall and water availability data, this is up from previously projected water allocations of: 14 per cent in April, 22 per cent in May, 26 per cent in June, 31 per cent on 1 July, 38 per cent on 15 July, 50 per cent on 1 August and 68 per cent on 15 August.

After two consecutive years with low rainfall and inflows across the Murray-Darling Basin, the volume of water in Murray-Darling Basin Authority controlled storages is around 45 per cent of capacity and slowly increasing.

The latest information provided by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority shows an improvement to South Australia’s water resource availability by 40 gigalitres under a very dry scenario.

The latest rainfall forecast from the Bureau of Meteorology is not showing any significant rainfall over the coming two weeks, therefore the pace in allocation increases observed in the last few announcements might slow a little in mid-September.

Water users will be provided with water allocation updates twice a month reflecting any improved water availability while water allocations remain under 100 per cent. The next update will be on 16 September.

You can stay up to date with DEW’s announcements at the following link:

Improved minimum opening allocations

The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) has today announced that the minimum opening water allocation for South Australian irrigators has risen to 68 percent for 2019-20.

Based on recent rainfall and water availability data, this is up from previously projected water allocations of: 14 per cent in April; 22 per cent in May; 26 per cent in June; 31 per cent on 1 July; 38 per cent on 15 July and 50 per cent on 1 August.

After two consecutive years with low rainfall and inflows across the Murray-Darling Basin, the volume of water in Murray-Darling Basin Authority controlled storages is around 41 per cent of capacity and slowly increasing.

An assessment of the likelihood of increased irrigation allocations currently indicates allocations will continue to rise in the 2019-20 water year.

We will continue to monitor resources conditions closely with the aim of increasing water allocations for the remainder of 2019 and into 2020.

Based on historical climate variability across the last 30 years, water availability projections indicate that water allocations are likely to reach 100 per cent in 2019-20 under all inflow scenarios.

Water users will be provided with water allocation updates twice a month reflecting any improved water availability while water allocations remain under 100 per cent. The next update will be on 2 September.

You can stay up to date with DEW’s announcements at the following link:

Water allocation explainer

For a useful explainer on River Murray water allocations, and the working relationship and different roles of the NSW, VIC, SA state governments and the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, take a look at the following video, it’s a quick (less than 3 minute!) watch:

Improved minimum opening allocations

The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) has today announced that the minimum opening water allocation for South Australian irrigators has risen to 38 percent for 2019-20.

Based on recent rainfall and water availability data, this is up from previously projected water allocations of 14 percent in April, 22 percent in May, 26 percent in June and 31 percent on 1 July.

After two consecutive years with low rainfall and inflows across the Murray-Darling Basin, the volume of water in Murray-Darling Basin Authority controlled storages is around 38 per cent of capacity and slowly increasing.

Given that we have reached winter in-flow season, we will continue to monitor resources conditions closely with the aim of increasing water allocations for the remainder of 2019 and into 2020.

The next update will be on 1 August. Water users will be provided with water allocation updates twice a month reflecting any improved water availability while water allocations remain under 100 percent.

The full statements from DEW (and future updates) can be found at:

Improved minimum opening allocations

The Department for Environment and Water announced that the minimum opening water allocation for South Australian irrigators has risen to 26 percent for 2019-20.

Based on recent rainfall and water availability data, this is up from previously projected water allocations of 14 percent in April and 22 percent in May.

Despite the extended dry period, further increases to water allocations are likely. Most inflows to the River Murray System historically occur between July and October, so the main inflow season is yet to arrive.

Founded on historical climate variability across the last 30 years, water availability projections indicate a 90 percent likelihood that allocations will increase to at least 87 percent and just over a 70 percent likelihood that allocations will increase to 100 percent.

The next update will be on 1 July and water users will be provided with fortnightly water allocation updates, which will reflect any improved water availability while water allocations remain under 100 percent.

For more information about water allocations, visit the Department for Environment and Water’s website:

Improved minimum opening allocation for 2019-20

The Department for Environment and Water has announced that the projected minimum, or worst case, opening irrigation allocation for the 2019-20 water year has risen from 14 percent to 22 percent.

The change to the minimum opening allocation since April is based on advice from the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and reflects recent rainfall and updated water availability conditions.

Further improvements across the water year are likely, with most inflows to the River Murray system historically occurring between July and November.

Water availability projections indicate there is a 90 percent likelihood that allocations will increase to at least 82 percent during 2019-20 and there is just over a 70 percent likelihood that allocations will increase to 100 percent.

Private carryover will be available for eligible water users, allowing unused water from 2018-19 to be carried over for use in 2019-20 (up to 20 percent of the volume on entitlement).

The next minimum opening allocation update will be provided by 15 June.

The full statement from the Department for Environment and Water can be found at:

Annual Water Supply Shutdown

The Renmark Irrigation Trust will cease pumping of water at 9pm on SUNDAY 5 MAY 2019 to enable annual programmed maintenance and repair works to be undertaken at the Main Pump Station and on other infrastructure throughout the district.

This shutdown occurs every year, usually in the first week of May.

The water supply will be restored by approximately 11.59pm on FRIDAY 10 MAY 2019.

Irrigators Energy Forum

An Irrigators Energy Forum with Federal Minister for Energy, the Hon. Angus Taylor MP will be held at the Renmark Club Function Room on Wednesday, 24 April from 11:30am to 1pm.

Tony Pasin has been speaking to the Minister about the rising costs of energy for irrigators and has invited the Minister to visit the Riverland to see and hear first-hand about the issue.

The forum is your chance to speak directly with the Minister who wants to hear from our community about this issue.


Date: Wednesday 24th April 2019 
Time: 11.30am – 1.00pm (Light lunch will be supplied)
Where: Renmark Club, 160 Renmark Avenue – Renmark
RSVP: Phone (08) 8531 2466 or email by 12noon Tuesday 23rd April 2019

Allocation Announcement Timeline

2019/2020 Water Year minimum allocation announcements are expected in mid-April.

The Department of Environment and Water will shortly release the minimum allocation announcements for the 2019/2020 water year. Announcement of actual opening allocations will be announced in mid-June and, if allocations are announced at less than 100 percent, there is the potential for increases over time if there are improvements in water availability.