Report a Fault: (08) 8586 6050| Annual General Meeting 1 December 2025

Improved minimum water allocation

The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) has announced that the minimum water allocation for South Australian irrigators has risen to 81 percent for 2019-20.

Based on recent rainfall and water availability data, this is up from previously projected water allocations of: 14 per cent in April, 22 per cent in May, 26 per cent in June, 31 per cent on 1 July, 38 per cent on 15 July, 50 per cent on 1 August, 68 per cent on 15 August and 74 per cent on 2 September.
The increased allocation is based on the latest water availability advice from the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

The seasonal outlook from October to December indicates that it is likely to be drier than average with warmer temperatures.

Water availability projections currently indicate that under exceptionally dry conditions water allocations are likely to get to 100 per cent.

As at 15 September 2019 the MDBA controlled storages have remained steady at 44 per cent capacity since the last water allocation announcement two weeks ago, even with water being released to care for the river and meet water requirements in South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria.

Water users will be provided with water allocation updates twice a month reflecting any improved water availability while water allocations remain under 100 per cent. The next update will be on 1 October.

You can stay up to date with DEW’s announcements here.