Report a Fault: (08) 8586 6050| Annual General Meeting 1 December 2025

Farming Survey by University of Adelaide

The University of Adelaide is conducting a survey of the members of Renmark Irrigation Trust and would be very grateful if you could spare 10 to 15 minutes to complete an online survey:

This project is examining how farmers are adjusting to the risks posed by economic fluctuations, changing markets, government policies and environmental issues (e.g. pests, diseases, severe weather, bushfires). The University is interested in how risk is being reduced by diversifying into new types of crop/production systems or through diversifying into value-added processing, direct sales, on-farm tourism and generating more income off-farm or by specialising in existing crops.

The University of Adelaide has designed a questionnaire survey which can be completed either online or in hard-copy – the University hopes to interview a small number of farmers to obtain more detailed insights.      

This research is intended to benefit the farming community. Chief benefits to growers will be the researchers’ analysis of risks and farmers’ responses to risk, information about trends in the industry in the local region, and the changing nature of the local rural economy, which may help identify opportunities for future business direction and targeting of future policy support for the industry.   

All respondents will receive a summary of the research results and copies of all publications produced from the research.