Report a Fault: (08) 8586 6050| Annual General Meeting 1 December 2025

Drainage news for RIT customers after heavy rainfall

Advice on Renmark Irrigation Trust Ground Water Drainage System

Renmark Irrigation Trust advises the closed ground water drainage system is operating at full capacity. The system manages salinity with the drains around one meter below the surface; it is not a storm water management system.

All pumps in the drainage system are functioning. Staff are resolving issues that have arisen from the large volumes of storm water entering the system via private ground water drainage systems on horticulture land, including from the Chaffey Trust Cooltong area.

UPDATE 27th October

Although the situation continues to slowly improve, as we recover from the weekend’s extreme rainfall event, we ask that you do not pump directly into the drainage sumps, without approval from the Trust.

Staff are working to clear the restricted flows as they occur. Please contact us if you have any concerns about your crops on (08) 8586 6050.

26th October

Please cease direct pumping into the cassions. RIT’s sub surface drainage system remains backed up in some areas. To enable the system to function as designed we ask that all direct pumping into sumps cease. A further update will be provided tomorrow

5pm on 25 October

The ground water drainage system remains under pressure due to the high rainfall. The extra flow demand has caused a number of pipe breaks which are being repaired. If you have any urgent concerns for your crop please contact us on (08) 8586 6050.