Report a Fault: (08) 8586 6050| Annual General Meeting 1 December 2025

Alliance for Water Stewardship Audit Notice

The Trust is pleased to notify our Member and stakeholder base that Renmark Irrigation Trust is undertaking its Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) recertification audit on Tuesday 6 April 2021. This occurs every three years and is part of the Trust’s certification requirements under the AWS International Standard.

The latest version of the Trust’s Water Stewardship Plan, adopted by the Trust Board at the recent Trust Board Meeting on Monday 29 March is available on the Trust website here. This ever-evolving document helps collate information relevant to water stewardship and reflects a number of Trust activities to date. It is also intended to help guide the Trust’s activities in certain water related areas.

As a valued stakeholder/partner of the Trust, the Trust wishes to both notify you that we are excited to complete our recertification audit and (hopefully!) maintain our platinum certification, the highest certification level under the AWS Standard, as well as invite you to provide any thoughts/comments on the Trust’s performance as a water steward of the local area to date.

Please feel free to contact James John via email on or on (08) 8586 6911 with any queries on the Trust’s Water Stewardship plan or activities.