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2020-21 Irrigation Season Outlook – River Murray

You are invited to register for the 2020-21 Irrigation Season Outlook for the River Murray webinar presented by Primary Industries and Regions SA and the Department for Environment and Water, to be held THIS WEDNESDAY 8 APRIL.

The webinar will feature River Murray water resources outlook information presented by the Department for Environment and Water. Respected water market experts Marsden Jacob Associates will present a water market outlook and demonstrate the Commonwealth funded Waterflow™ application, which brings together water market information from a number of industry sources, and also offers a water market university.

There will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions of the presenters during the webinar. The webinar will also be recorded, so if you are unable to attend but would like to watch the webinar later, please register so we can let you know when the recording is available.

Date: Wednesday 8 April 2020
Time: 12.30 pm – 2.30 pm
Location: Online webinar
RSVP: Register to attend the event at
or contact Rachael Kelly, Program Manager via email to or by phone on 08 8429 0368.